You are invited to celebrate the New Year at our second annual L'Chaim 5785, an evening of wine, cheese, and community. Your support and leadership are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to honoring the ways you’ve put your values in action by wishing our beloved community Shanah Tovah.
Thursday, August 15th
6:00 — 7:30 PM
At the home of Donna & Ron Bender in Encino — Address to be provided
Couvert: $36 per person
Space is limited
Casual Attire
For more information, please contact John Magoulas at (323) 761-8133 or
We look forward to seeing you on August 15th.
Please choose your registration(s)
Step 1: Prices | Step 2: Attendees | Step 3: Register | Step 4: Finish |
Rabbi Noah Farkas
President & CEO
Orna Wolens
Chair of the Board
Lynn Bider
General Campaign Chair
Laura Ozer
Valley Chair
Minimum household gift of $1,800 to JFEDLA’s 2024 Annual Campaign is required.