During these challenging times for Jews everywhere, it’s vital to uphold the value of keeping our community safe. From college campuses to local synagogues, the threats we face are unrelenting. Our community deserves and demands protection so we can continue to experience the joy of being Jewish.

Join JFEDLA on Thursday, January 23rd, for a conversation with Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Commander Steve Lurie, who serves as the LAPD liaison to the Jewish community. Commander Lurie will discuss the local climate, cover the steps the LAPD is taking to keep Jews safe, and share tips on what you can do to protect you and your family during this moment of uncertainty for our entire community.

Thursday, January 23rd | 7:00 PM
El Caballero Country Club
8300 Tarzana Drive
Tarzana, CA 91356

Please contact John Magoulas for further information at 323‑761‑8133 JMagoulas@JewishLA.org

We look forward to seeing you on January 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact John Magoulas at 323-761-8133 or JMagoulas@JewishLA.org.


Commander Steve Lurie has worked for the LAPD for 27 years and serves as the Assistant Commanding Officer of West Bureau, managing five police divisions on the west side that serve a population of 940,000 Angelenos. He also serves as the LAPD liaison to the Los Angeles Jewish community. He has held various leadership roles, including as both the Patrol and Area Commanding Officer in Hollywood, and has policed all corners of the city. Commander Lurie graduated from Loyola Law School, UCLA, and the FBI National Academy. He is a member of the California State Bar and teaches at local law schools and the University of Southern California, as well as the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia. Commander Lurie lives with his wife and two daughters in the South Bay.



JFEDLA acts on shared values to create safe, joyful, and connected Jewish life in Los Angeles, Israel, and around the world. We care for our vulnerable by fighting poverty and combating antisemitism. We inspire by fostering Jewish journeys, building bridges, and developing leaders. Our dedicated partners, passionate staff, and your generosity make our work possible.

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