Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy invites you to a Susan S. Pritzker Series Event where we will come together with Idan Chabasov, the Challah Prince, to find out what happens when baking meets art.
Who: Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy
What: 2024 Pritzker Series Event One Day Only with the Challah Prince, Idan Chabasov
When: Thursday, May 2nd | Registration & Brunch: 10:30 AM • Program: 11:00 AM — 1:30 PM
Where: Encino location shared with registrants in advance of the event
Couvert: $54 per person
Space is limited, so please register today. For questions, contact Lauren Shorten at or (323) 761-8306.
We look forward to seeing you on May 2nd.
Registration for this event is now closed. If you would like to attend, please contact Lauren Shorten at or (323) 761-8306
Born and raised in Tel Aviv, Idan Chabasov has always been an artist. With a background in professional dancing, video production, and art, Idan’s current mission is to bring art into the baking world and demonstrate the beauty of every piece of challah.
One evening in January 2020 after a breathing and meditation session, when he still lived in Berlin, Chabasov spontaneously created the “Challah Prince.” He discovered a world of beauty, spirituality, and personal growth through challah. And what started as a small Instagram account soon became an ever-growing community of art, creativity, positivity, and deliciousness.
Idan has dedicated himself to this community, sharing his creations and unique ways of braiding dough and personally communicating with all his community members. The Challah Prince is well on his way to spreading this delicious masterpiece to every corner of the world.
Today, Idan lives in Israel and just finished his studies as a Rebirthing Therapist. His vision is to expand people's personal awareness and consciousness through meditation, breath, and challah.
Audrey Cohen Sherwyn and Sarina Klemes
Pritzker Series Co-Chairs
Laurie Friedman, Keren Perlmutter, Nomi Wallace
Pritzker Series Committee
Kathi Mangel and Lauren Schiff
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy Co-Chairs
Nancy Lushing Greenstein
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy Vice Chair

Minimum Gift of $500 to JFEDLA’s Annual Campaign
is required to attend.
Special thanks to Jeanne and Tony Pritzker for underwriting the series as a loving tribute to Tony’s late mother, Susan S. Pritzker. The goal of the Pritzker series is to feature dynamic and educational presentations by top professionals, appealing to women of all stages of life.
JFEDLA acts on shared values to create safe, joyful, and connected Jewish life in Los Angeles, Israel, and around the world. We care for our vulnerable by fighting poverty and combating antisemitism. We inspire by fostering Jewish journeys, building bridges, and developing leaders. Our dedicated partners, passionate staff, and your generosity make our work possible.
By signing up to attend this event, you agree to irrevocably grant to The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles — and to their employees, agents, and assigns — the right to take your photograph, record you, or use your image, silhouette, and/or other reproductions of your physical likeness, as well as your voice and/or words, for all purposes related to marketing and promotion of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, across all media. These rights are granted in perpetuity. You hereby certify and represent that you are of at least 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.