Are you a Hillcrest member under the age of 45 in a committed relationship who is interested in learning about the life-changing work of Jewish Federation Los Angeles? Then Hillcrest Couples might be perfect for you! If you’d like to connect with like-minded members while deepening your bond to the Jewish community, we encourage you to attend the Hillcrest Couples Info Night.

Who: Jewish Federation Los Angeles
What: Hillcrest Couples Info Night
When: Thursday, June 20th
Where: Beverly Hills location shared with registrants prior to the event

If you have questions about the Federation or Hillcrest Couples, please contact Marcia Berman at

We look forward to seeing you on June 20th!

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2024 06/20 Hillcrest Couples Info Night
Are you a Hillcrest member under the age of 45 in a committed relationship and are interested in learning about the life-changing work of Jewish Federation Los Angeles? Then Hillcrest Couples might be perfect for you! If you’d like to connect with like-minded members while deepening your bond to the Jewish community, we encourage you to attend the Hillcrest Couples Info Night.
Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Attendees: 2 No Charge