Let’s come together for our 48th Annual JFEDLA Dinner at Del Rey Yacht Club. It will be a festive evening where we will put our shared Jewish values of building community and giving tzedakah into action.

What: Dinner at Del Rey Yacht Club
When: February 1, 2025 • Cocktails, 6:00 PM | Dinner, 7:00 PM
Where: Marina Del Rey • Address provided to registrants in the confirmation email

For questions, contact Linda Fenton at 323-761-8403 or LFenton@JewishLA.org.

We look forward to seeing you on February 1st.

Steven Medof and Jodi Galen
JFEDLA Dinner at Del Rey Yacht Club Co-Chairs


Janet Bubar Rich is grateful to serve as the honoree of the JFEDLA 48th Annual Gala held at Del Rey Yacht Club (DRYC), where she will continue the proud tradition of DRYC’s members and friends by recognizing the Federation’s invaluable work in caring for those in need and putting our shared Jewish values into action.

Supporting the Federation has always been a priority for the Bubar family. Janet’s parents, past DRYC members Norma and Earl Bubar, instilled within her and her siblings the value of caring about the Jewish community by supporting the Federation and other organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for those in need locally and globally.

As a UC Berkeley grad who later earned a PhD, Janet held marketing-communications management positions in semiconductor corporations during her career, is an accomplished academic book author, and served on nonprofit boards. Dedicated to raising funds for research to cure Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), she has been serving on the Board of Directors of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation since 2015. Before that, she raised funds to cure Hepatitis C by serving on the Board of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the American Liver Foundation.

Janet has served as Commodore of DRYC in 2023, as Chair of DRYC’s Speaker Lunches since 2012, and as a volunteer on several DRYC committees, including Community Outreach, which serves underprivileged children in L.A. County.


Together, let’s enjoy the celebratory evening and support JFEDLA’s vital work!

JFEDLA acts on shared values to create safe, joyful, and connected Jewish life in Los Angeles, Israel, and around the world. We care for our vulnerable by fighting poverty and combating antisemitism. We inspire by fostering Jewish journeys, building bridges, and developing leaders. Our dedicated partners, passionate staff, and your generosity make our work possible.

By signing up to attend this event, you agree to irrevocably grant to Jewish Federation Los Angeles — and to their employees, agents, and assigns — the right to take your photograph, record you, or use your image, silhouette, and/or other reproductions of your physical likeness, as well as your voice and/or words, for all purposes related to marketing and promotion of JFEDLA, across all media. These rights are granted in perpetuity. You hereby certify and represent that you are of at least 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.