Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy invites you to the 2024 Brentwood Country Club Women’s Luncheon on Thursday, September 26th. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Cochav Elkayam-Levy, a world-renowned women’s rights expert who established the “Civil Commission on October 7th Crimes by Hamas against Women and Children.”

We are also excited to honor Heidi Monkarsh with this year’s Jackie Award.

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2024 09/26 SWWP Brentwood Luncheon
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy invites you to the 2024 Brentwood Country Club Women’s Luncheon on Thursday, September 26th.
Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Attendees: 1 $75.00 ea.
Attendees: 1 No Charge

For questions, please contact Lauren Shorten at or (323) 761-8306.

We look forward to seeing you on September 26th!


Martha Berkett, Rochelle Boren
Brentwood Country Club Luncheon Co-Chairs

Eydie Desser, Priscilla Halper, Hella Hershson, Corie Koss, Ruth Salk, Stacy Sharf, Frankie Sholem
Brentwood Country Club Luncheon Committee

Nancy Lushing Greenstein
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy Vice Co-Chair

Kathi Mangel and Lauren Schiff
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy Co-Chairs

A minimum gift of $365 to JFEDLA’s Annual Campaign
is required to attend the Women’s Luncheon.


Dr. Elkayam-Levy established the “Civil Commission on October 7th Crimes by Hamas against Women and Children”, an independent, non-governmental collaboration of international human rights experts and women’s rights organizations created to advocate for and support the investigation of war crimes committed by Hamas against women and children during the massacre of October 7th and the continuous war crimes towards abducted women and children. The Civil Commission obtained and distributed credible information and lent its expertise to relevant bodies in Israel and internationally.

Dr. Elkayam-Levy is the Sophie Davis Fellow on Gender, Conflict Resolution, and Peace at the Hebrew University Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations. She teaches human rights law, international law, climate justice, and feminist theories at Hebrew University and at Reichman University. She is also the founding head of the Dvora Institute for Gender and Sustainability Studies, a Senior Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, a Doctor of Juridical Science and former Human Rights Scholar of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, a former Perry World House Fellow, a Salzburg Global Fellow for Outstanding Scholars in International Law, Washington D.C., and a member of the Israeli President’s new Climate Forum.



Heidi is a Vice Chair of the Board of Jewish Federation Los Angeles. Heidi and her husband Jon chair the Hineni Society, a major donor giving society. Heidi also sits on the Federation’s Strategic Planning and Distribution Committee, the Campaign Cabinet, and the Executive Committee. Heidi is past chair of the Birth through High School Strategic Initiative and past chair of Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy, Ensuring the Jewish Future, and Young Adult Engagement and Leadership Development.

Heidi serves on the board of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Foundation and is also on the Cutting-Edge Grants Committee and the Community Grants Committee. Heidi is also on Cedars Sinai Medical Center’s Board of Governors and Women’s Guild. Heidi recently completed her tenure on the National Women’s Philanthropy Board as well as the Jewish Federations of North America Board. She also has held leadership roles with Camp Ramah, Sinai Temple, the Cayton Children’s Museum, and Brentwood School.

Heidi is honored to be part of building and sustaining a strong and inclusive Jewish community for future generations. Heidi graduated from UCLA with a degree in Fine Arts. Heidi and Jon have two adult children, Briana Benaron, married to Jeffrey, and Russell Monkarsh, engaged to Mia. She is also proud grandmother of Jagger and Liel Benaron.


JFEDLA acts on shared values to create safe, joyful, and connected Jewish life in Los Angeles, Israel, and around the world. We care for our vulnerable by fighting poverty and combating antisemitism. We inspire by fostering Jewish journeys, building bridges, and developing leaders. Our dedicated partners, passionate staff, and your generosity make our work possible.