The Y&S Nazarian Family Foundation/Jewish Federation Young Leadership Initiative supports the Federation in its effort to collaborate and connect with young Iranian Jewish Americans (ages 22 to 45) — and connect them with meaningful opportunities across the L.A. Jewish community. It enhances Jewish identity by empowering and engaging young Iranian Jewish American adults to lead, contribute to, and promote the diverse and inclusive L.A. Jewish community, and thus the larger L.A. community as a whole.
We invite you to contribute to the Initiative by making your gift today.
For more information about the Initiative or how to get involved, please contact Betsy Berger at BBerger@JewishLA.org or (323) 761-8216.
Join the Tree of Life Society Making an ongoing monthly gift is the most effective way to support your Jewish community!

The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is fully tax-deductible under IRS regulations.