Team The Mishpocha: Ellie Altshuler, David Blankleider, Travis Guterman, Stephen Laddin

Federation Initiative: Los Angeles Jewish Teen Initiative (LAJTI)

We connect teens to Jewish life and each other. Less than 20% of the 30,000-40,000 Jewish teens in Los Angeles between the ages of 13-18 years old are currently involved in Jewish life. LAJTI’s goals are to dramatically increase the number of post-bar/bat mitzvah teens engaged meaningfully in Jewish life, to train and inspire teen educators, and to empower vibrant organizations to create new and improved programs to enhance our community’s Jewish teen landscape. In 2017, we reached 12,000 teens on a personal, meaningful level through new, enriching, transformative options — securing a lasting connection to Jewish life.

Your support of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles strengthens our community and creates a vibrant Jewish future for us all. Your generosity alleviates poverty, provides emergency relief, and makes Jewish life affordable and accessible for people of all ages.

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