Our next Pomegranate Society event is Thursday, November 9th, and we want to see you there!
Keynote Speaker Taly Levanon Director of the Israel Trauma Coalition
Join us to hear Taly’s remarkable story and connect with other philanthropic women who share our love and concern for the Jewish community.
Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served; dietary laws observed.
RSVP by Friday, November 3rd.
Online Registration Is Closed. If you have any questions, please contact ATaubman@JewishLA.org
A minimum women’s gift of $1,800 to The Jewish Federation’s 2017 Annual Campaign is required to attend this event. Your reservation confirms your commitment to The Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign at the Pomegranate Society level.
Keynote Speaker TALY LEVANON

Houston. Miami. Puerto Rico. Israel. We all know friends and family struggling to cope with the recent spate of national disasters and emergencies.
Thanks to your generosity, The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles was instrumental in the creation of the Israel Trauma Coalition after recognizing the urgent need to provide Israelis with a plan of action and trained authorities for the aftermath of an emergency.
Join us for the unique opportunity to meet with one of our partners, Taly Levanon, Director of the ITC, who joins us from Israel to share about and how to be proactive in dealing with trauma when disaster strikes. As ITC Director, Taly oversees a collaborative network of more than 40 organizations that step up immediately after an emergency or tragedy occurs in Israel. Over time, their work and knowledge has led them to international recognition — most recently, the ITC team was sent to Houston to lend their expertise on the ground after Hurricane Harvey.
Born in Switzerland and raised in Nigeria, Taly has an MSW in Clinical Social Work from Bar Ilan University, a degree in Integrative Psychotherapy, and a BSW in Social Work from the Hebrew University. In 1973, during the Yom Kippur War, Taly served as an officer in the Israeli army, working with bereaved families and wounded soldiers. She then went on to work in a special unit of the Israeli National Insurance Institute for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Widows and Widowers.
With over 30 years experience in the field of trauma care and bereavement, Taly has represented Israel at the United Nations in a forum on victims of terror and has worked with WHO, UNICEF, CDC and EUTOPA on several post disaster and preparedness initiatives.
Part of being prepared is knowing what to do when an emergency happens and knowing how to handle the emotional aftermath that follows. We look forward to you joining us for an interactive conversation with Taly, and learning more about the best ways to help when your community is most in need.
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