We would love to have you join us for our next SWWP Shabbat Experience on Friday, September 9th at 4:00 PM. With the High Holidays on the horizon, we will rejoice in the spirit of renewal that the new year represents. It is also a time to reflect on our losses this past year, including, most recently, a beloved pillar of our community, former SWWP Chair Kathy Guccione Z”L.
Our special guest is Cantor Sara Hass of Leo Baeck Temple. Cantor Hass is an extraordinary vocalist whose beautiful voice exemplifies her deeply Jewish soul.
A Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Shorten at LShorten@JewishLA.org or (323) 761-8306.
Registration is now closed. If you have questions, please contact Lauren Shorten at LShorten@JewishLA.org or (323) 761-8306.
We look forward to seeing you on September 9th.
Ellen Brown, Audrey Cohen Sherwyn, Laurie Friedman, Yona Goldberg
Shabbat Experience Chairs
Linda Schwimmer and Laura Ozer
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy Co-Chairs
Lauren Schiff and Jody Simon
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy Vice Chairs

By signing up to attend this event, you agree to irrevocably grant to The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles — and to their employees, agents, and assigns — the right to take your photograph, record you, or use your image, silhouette, and/or other reproductions of your physical likeness, as well as your voice and/or words, for all purposes related to marketing and promotion of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, across all media. These rights are granted in perpetuity. You hereby certify and represent that you are of at least 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.