Please join us for a discussion with Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer* and Founder & President of California Landmark Group Ken Kahan** to gain perspective on the topic of Creative Solutions to L.A.’s Housing Shortage.

Cost: FREE for Cabinet members, $50 for first-time guests, and $100 for all others and walk-ins. (PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who has not renewed their membership must renew at the door or pay the non-member fee of $100.)

Dietary laws observed.

Sign up for 2018 Cabinet Membership or renew today!

If you are interested in learning more about REC or have any questions, please contact Julia Hubner at (323) 761-8332 or



Real Estate & Construction Division | The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles

Thank you to our 2018 Cabinet sponsors:

BH Properties
California Landmark Cohen
Fidelity Mortgage Lenders, Inc Fortress
Gallagher Global Real Estate and Hospitatlity Gelt
Greystone Nahai Insurance Services
Reliable Properties


*Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer has long been one of California's leading lawyers and lawmakers. As L.A.’s chief lawyer and prosecutor since July 2013, he has brought an innovative, problem-solving focus that combines tough and effective prosecution with initiatives to improve public safety and the quality of life throughout the city.

Feuer’s office has also been at the forefront of key national issues ranging from gun violence prevention and consumer protection to justice system reform and challenges to recent federal policies that threaten fundamental rights and public safety. Feuer was re-elected in March 2017 to a second term without opposition. In 2017, the American Bar Association presented its top award in the nation for a public sector law office to Feuer’s office — the first City Attorney’s office ever to receive the distinguished Hodson Award for outstanding service.


**Ken Kahan founded California Landmark Group (CLG) in 1988. Since its inception, CLG has invested in and developed all types of residential and commercial real estate. Under Ken’s leadership, the company has built over three million square feet of innovative multi-family, mixed use, retail, and industrial projects throughout Southern California.

Ken is passionate about all aspects of housing and is a frequent speaker on matters pertaining to zoning and urban development. He participates in many local and state planning initiatives and is an active board member of several real estate organizations.

Ken is equally dedicated to the Jewish community. He is a current board member of The Jewish Federation, the American Jewish University, and the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. He is also a contributor to a myriad of other philanthropies. Previously, Ken chaired the Real Estate and Construction Division of The Jewish Federation and co-founded RPO, an organization consisting of real estate principals dedicated to the L.A. Jewish community’s real estate needs.

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