The Jewish Federation’s Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy invites you to spend the morning with Beth Ricanati, M.D.,* internist, wellness advocate, and challah enthusiast. Don’t miss it!
Seating is limited — RSVP by Tuesday, October 23rd.
For further information or if you have any questions, please contact or (323) 761-8225.
Special thanks to Jeanne and Tony Pritzker for underwriting the series as a loving tribute to Tony’s late mother, Susan S. Pritzker. The goal of the Pritzker series is to feature dynamic and educational presentations by top professionals, appealing to women of all stages of life.

This event is open to all women who make a minimum gift of $500
to The Jewish Federation’s 2018 Annual Campaign.
By signing up to attend this event, you agree to irrevocably grant to The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles — and to their employees, agents, and assigns — the right to take your photograph, record you, or use your image, silhouette, and/or other reproductions of your physical likeness, as well as your voice and/or words, for all purposes related to marketing and promotion of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, across all media. These rights are granted in perpetuity. You hereby certify and represent that you are of at least 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.