About Calendar Give




Peer-To-Peer is a quarterly opportunity to build community while connecting with your peers about topics that are important to you. Dinner will be served.

Benefits of Peer-To-Peer:

  • Engage in meaningful conversation
  • Grow your network and strengthen your connections
  • Share your expertise and learn new skills
  • Give and receive peer mentoring

Sign-up for an event in your area today!

Please choose your registration(s)

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Quantity and Pricing
Shabbat Dinners at various locations
Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at 7:00 PM
Attendees: 1 No Charge
Attendees: 1 No Charge
Attendees: 1 No Charge

You will receive location and logistical information one week prior to the event. If you have any questions, please contact Molly Buckman at MBuckman@JewishLA.org.


Check out what your peers are saying!

“A meaningful and different way to further connect with fellow graduates of Federation leadership programs.”
— Amanda Paru, Community Leadership Institute ‘15

“Peer to Peer was a fantastic evening. We had the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and have meaningful conversations.”
— Zalman Kravitz, PresenTense ‘14

“It was great to catch up with old friends and make new ones.”
— John Levy, Community Leadership Institute ‘16



All ticket sales cover the cost of goods or less, and tickets are non-refundable.

By signing up to attend this event, you agree to irrevocably grant to The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles — and to their employees, agents, and assigns — the right to take your photograph, record you, or use your image, silhouette, and/or other reproductions of your physical likeness, as well as your voice and/or words, for all purposes related to marketing and promotion of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, across all media. These rights are granted in perpetuity. You hereby certify and represent that you are of at least 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.