The Jewish Federation’s Los Angeles Jewish Teen Initiative (LAJTI) Focus on Teen Wellness provides parents, educators, and teens themselves with the tools they need to tackle today’s challenges — and difficulties they may encounter down the road. On Sunday, May 3rd, join us for Exploring the Gift of Failure: A Wellness Gathering for Parents and Educators, an opportunity for participants to find new inspiration and resources to support greater well-being in themselves and their teens.

Our Featured Speaker Jessica Lahey is a teacher and the New York Times bestselling author of The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed. Jessica will guide us on how to step back and allow our teens to experience the disappointments that arise from life’s inevitable challenges so they can grow to be successful, brave, self-reliant adults.

This morning of community learning includes a full breakfast, a Q&A session, and book signing.

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Exploring the Gift of Failure: A Wellness Gathering
2020 05/03 LAJTI Gathering with Jessica Lahey
Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 9:00 AM
Attendees: 1 $25.00 ea.


New York Times bestselling author and columnist Jessica Lahey is inspiring audiences with her rallying cry to allow children and teens to experience failure as an integral part of becoming successful adults. Her breakthrough manifesto, The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed, has become essential reading for parents, educators, and coaches and has been declared a “must-read” by magazines as varied as Working Mother, Fortune, and Education Week. Her engaging presentations simplify complex cognitive neuroscience and pedagogy, making the case that children and teens learn and develop best when they are given autonomy and allowed to feel competent and valued for the content of their character rather than the letters on their report card. She also provides actionable recommendations to help parents (and the educators that work with them) reframe children’s temporary setbacks as beneficial steps toward lasting, longer-term success.

Passionate about providing hope for children who have been given everything yet feel adrift in their own lives, Jessica creates a true connection with her audiences. Her presentations are filled with laughter, tales from her own life, and experience in the classroom and on the front lines of education research. Taking on difficult, often emotionally challenging topics with grace, sensitivity, and humor, she provides an uplifting and hopeful experience that changes thinking, inspires new behaviors, and forever transforms how we feel about failure. Jessica earned a B.A. in comparative literature from the University of Massachusetts and a J.D. with a concentration in juvenile and education law from the University of North Carolina School of Law. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two sons.


The Los Angeles Jewish Teen Initiative is co-funded by The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and the Jim Joseph Foundation, with seed funding provided by the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles.

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