In response to the many concerns we have heard regarding recent immigration policy changes and in partnership with Bet Tzedek, our Federation has created an initiative for community members to turn their concern into meaningful action with an important volunteer opportunity to help families in crisis.

The Family Preparedness Clinic will inform parents about the necessary steps to ensure their child(ren)’s safety, well-being, and care in the event of their removal from the United States. The Clinic pairs parents with someone who is able to draft a Caregiver’s Authorization Affidavit on their behalf to safeguard their children’s enrollment in school or authorize medical treatment in their absence. These clinics are being held at various community locations throughout Los Angeles County and are supplemented by regularly held clinics at Bet Tzedek’s offices, and the need for volunteers is continuous.

The Jewish Federation will offer a Family Preparedness Clinic to train those in our community who want to help. We seek volunteers, both attorneys and non-attorneys, to meet with families to help draft these documents.

Training Session
Monday, September 9, 2019
6:30-8:30 PM
The Jewish Federation Goldsmith Center, 6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90048
Light dinner provided

Once you have been trained to help families with these forms, you will then be able to volunteer at various Family Preparedness Clinics locations throughout the city.

Please choose your registration(s)

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Step 4:
Quantity and Pricing
Immigration Family Preparedness Training Clinic
2019 09/09 Family Preparedness Clinic Volunteer Training
Monday, September 9, 2019 at 6:30 PM
Attendees: 1 No Charge

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