This year’s Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby & Lion of Judah Event takes us to Israel — virtually — for a once-in-a-lifetime visit inside the home of Rivka Saker, one of the foremost collectors and a top-10 influencer in the Israeli art scene. While leading us through her stunning private collection that rivals the country’s major art museums, Rivka will share her Jewish story and provide Jewish insight into Israeli art and culture. Join Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy for a can’t-miss experience and learn about the future of contemporary art worldwide.
Couvert: $72; includes a “sip and sweets” box that will be delivered in advance to all registered Lions to be enjoyed with one another on this special occasion.
RSVP by Thursday, March 11, 2021.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the experience.
For more information, please contact Lauren Shorten at or (323) 761-8306.
Thank you for your generosity. Your gift will go directly toward our Federation’s critical work to keep the heartbeat of Jewish L.A. strong by:
- Providing meal deliveries to our homebound frail and elderly
- Improving mental health and awareness in teens and young adults
- Connecting community members to one another through virtual events
- Supporting the survival and safe reopening of our local Jewish institutions and Jewish-owned businesses
We are proud of our accomplishments at this point in the crisis, but our work is nowhere near done as the virus remains a threat to our Jewish future. Your gift will help those in our community who are still struggling, and we are so grateful for your partnership and dedication.
About our speaker:
Rivka Saker was born in Tel Aviv to Holocaust survivor parents. Prior to establishing the first Sotheby’s office in Israel in 1982, she ran the Israel Film Archive with the late Lia Van Leer and owned a gallery — both in Haifa. She has been involved in promoting Judaica Sales worldwide since 1985 and held multiple prominent positions within Sotheby’s, now serving as Chairperson of Sotheby’s Israel.
In 2004, Saker established Artis, an independent nonprofit that supports contemporary Israeli artists in international museum exhibitions, biennials, and art institutions. To date, Artis has hosted nearly 300 art professionals in Israel.
Ms. Saker holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and History of Art from the University of Haifa. She also earned a Master of Arts degree in Urban Planning from Technion in Haifa. She serves on numerous foundation and museum boards.
$5,000 minimum gift for Lion of Judah; $10,000 minimum gift for Ruby; and $18,000/$25,000/$50,000 minimum gift for Chai/Emerald/Zahav to the Federation’s 2021 Annual Campaign is required to attend.

Karen Getelman and Wendy Moss Klein
Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy Co-Chairs
Laura Ozer and Linda Schwimmer
Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy Vice Chairs
Arlene Bloom, Nancy Eisenstadt, Nancy Lushing Greenstein, and Jody Simon
Lion of Judah Co-Chairs
Lynette Brown, Cheryl Cohen, Janet Farber, Jodie Fishman, and Annette Lichtenstein
Chai/Emerald/Zahav Co-Chairs
Heidi Haddad, Mady Jablon, Corie Koss, Claire Marks, and Frankie Sholem
Ruby Co-Chairs
Nancy Beiser, Bobbi Endler, Lynne Himelstein, Sandra Kussin, and Marcia Mankoff
Lion of Judah Endowment Co-Chairs
Ilene Berman, Laurie Friedman, Jodi Galen, Elaine Maltzman, Bettina Tendler O'Mara, Robbin Steif, and Linda Wolff Lion of Judah Outreach Co-Chairs
Lion Honorary Committee (in formation)
Ricki Averbach, Debi Benaron, Lynn Bider, Janis Black Warner, Lynne Brookman, Jessica Carbino, Cheryl Cohen, Rochelle Cohen, Audrey Cohen-Sherwyn, Nancy Epstein, Karen Feinstein, Lisa Field, Carin Freeman, Suzanne Gallant, Allison Gingold, Sharon Glaser, Kathy Guccione, Dorothy Goren, Tamara Kagel, Jodi Kirkbride, Gloria Lushing, Virginia Maas, Amy Masor, Heidi Monkarsh, Karmi Monsher, Jill Namm, Gail Nussen, Keren Perlmutter, Joy Picus, Julie Platt, Judy Rosen, Elisa Rubin, Corrine Sands, Marlyse Phlaum Scherr, Lauren Schiff, Annette Shapiro, Ellen Silverman, Debbie Warfel
By signing up to attend this event, you agree to irrevocably grant to The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles — and to their employees, agents, and assigns — the right to take your photograph, record you, or use your image, silhouette, and/or other reproductions of your physical likeness, as well as your voice and/or words, for all purposes related to marketing and promotion of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, across all media. These rights are granted in perpetuity. You hereby certify and represent that you are of at least 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.