Join us for our annual Hillcrest Country Club/Jewish Federation Day on Thursday, September 3rd!

The day will begin at the Club with socially distanced golf and tennis tournaments for Men. In the afternoon, Women are invited to a pre-event virtual cocktail hour before the virtual evening program featuring a timely conversation with Mayor Eric Garcetti! You will definitely want to hear what he has to say on current events in Los Angeles and his vision for the future.

The golf and tennis tournaments include great food, drinks, and prizes — and a special take-home box prepared by Chef John. We invite and encourage you to include your non-member adult son(s) and grandson(s).

All Hillcrest men and women members who sponsor the event are invited to join us for the evening program with Mayor Garcetti.

Hillcrest/Federation Day Schedule of Events — Thursday, September 3rd:

  • 8:00 AM–1:00 PM — Men's Golf Tee Times
  • 1:30 PM — Men's Tennis Tournament
  • 5:15 PM — Women’s Pre-Event Virtual Cocktail Hour
  • 6:00 PM — Virtual Program with Mayor Eric Garcetti

Note, you must be a Sponsor (or spouse of Sponsor) to participate in the virtual evening program.

The cost is $300 for members, $200 for members between the ages of 30-35, and $100 for members under 30. Your registration qualifies you as an Event Sponsor, which also includes digital program listing, food, drinks, prizes, and tournament fees. Your Sponsorship covers the cost of goods and services; therefore, no portion is tax deductible. If you are not able to participate in any of the activities during the day/evening but would like to support the event, please choose the option of Non-Attending Sponsor (the Sponsor fee is only tax deductible if you elect not to attend any of the day’s activities).

Sign-up for here for the Women’s Pre-Event Virtual Cocktail Hour, which requires separate registration.

For assistance on registration options, contact Sylvia Crump at (323) 761-8225 or

Register by Monday, August 31st.


Online registration is now closed. To register, please contact Sylvia Crump at (323) 761-8225 or


Tony Behrstock • Glenn Sonnenberg
Federation Day Co-Chairs

Michael Maas
Vice Chair

Joey Behrstock • Tony Behrstock
Golf Tournament Co-Chairs

Matt Paul • Joshua Gilman
Tennis Tournament Co-Chairs

Eric Needleman • Zach Okyle
Young Members’ Co-Chairs

Alan Rothenberg
Hillcrest Country Club President

Event Committee
Harvey Alpert
Tony Behrstock
Joshua Berlin
Les Bider
Steve Brown
Allan Cutrow
Irwin Field
Bert Ginsberg
David Hochman
Nathan Hochman
Ron Kabrins
Alan Kleinman
Frank Maas
David Nickoll
Zach Okyle
Jeff Paul
Jeff Polak
Larry Post
Rick Powell
Richard Sandler
Scott Sandler
Jeff Tamkin
Alex Weingarten
Ed Weiss
Louis Wolff

Special Thanks To:
John McMullen, Director of Golf
Chris Miller, Head Golf Professional
Jose Lieberman, Director of Tennis

By signing up to attend this event, you agree to irrevocably grant to The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles — and to their employees, agents, and assigns — the right to take your photograph, record you, or use your image, silhouette, and/or other reproductions of your physical likeness, as well as your voice and/or words, for all purposes related to marketing and promotion of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, across all media. These rights are granted in perpetuity. You hereby certify and represent that you are of at least 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.