The Board of Directors of Brentwood Country Club invites you to join us for the 71st Annual Jewish Federation Men’s Play Day featuring guest speaker JOHN BRENNAN, CIA Director (2013-2017), in a moderated conversation with BERNARD GOLDBERG, award-winning journalist and author. Their discussion will focus on high-level insights on domestic and international security issues, Israel, and the rise in anti-Semitism.
 John Brennan |
 Bernard Goldberg |
As the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan managed intelligence collection, analysis, covert action, counterintelligence and liaison relationships with foreign intelligence services. Previously, Brennan served at the White House for four years as assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and helped coordinate the U.S. government’s policies for responding to terrorism, cyber-attacks, natural disasters and pandemics. He has served our country in every administration from Reagan through Obama.
Bernard Goldberg is widely seen as one of the most original writers and thinkers in broadcast journalism. As an analyst for Fox News, he commented on the big news events of the day as well as cultural and media issues. He has covered stories all over the world for CBS News and has won 14 Emmy awards — six at CBS, and eight more at HBO, where he now reports for the widely acclaimed Real Sports.
(See their full bios at the bottom of this page.)
Golf Tournaments: 7:30 AM & 12:00 PM
Tennis Tournament: 1:30 PM
Buffet Lunch for All Players: 11:15 AM
Cocktails, Buffet, and Program: 5:00 PM
In the spirit of l’dor v’dor, we invite and encourage you to include your non-member son(s) and grandson(s) as our guests.
Please note that all members will be charged the $175 sponsorship fee via an automatic debit to the member’s BCC account.
You will have the opportunity to make your 2019 Jewish Federation commitment.
The golf course will be closed all day except for tournament play.
For more information, please contact Mitch Hamerman at or (323) 761-8133.
We hope to see you on October 24th for a special day and evening in support of the Federation’s life-changing work!
Larry Jacobson and Andrew Kirsh
Brentwood Campaign Co-Chairs
John Brennan
CIA Director (2013-2017)
As the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Brennan managed intelligence collection, analysis, covert action, counterintelligence and liaison relationships with foreign intelligence services.
Previously, Brennan served at the White House for four years as assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and helped coordinate the U.S. government’s policies for responding to terrorism, cyber-attacks, natural disasters and pandemics.
Brennan spent most of his early career in the CIA’s main analytic arm, the Directorate of Intelligence, specializing in the Near East and South Asia before directing counterterrorism analysis in the early 1990s. In 1994 and 1995, he was the agency’s intelligence briefer to President Bill Clinton.
After an assignment as a Chief of Station in the Middle East, Brennan served from 1999 to 2001 as Chief of Staff to George Tenet, who was then Director of Central Intelligence. Brennan next worked as Deputy Executive Director of the CIA until 2003, when he began leading a multi-agency effort to establish what would become the National Counterterrorism Center. In 2004, he became the center’s Interim Director. After retiring from the CIA in 2005, Brennan worked in the private sector for three years.
He has served our country in every administration from Reagan through Obama.
Bernard Goldberg
Award-winning Journalist and Author
Bernard Goldberg is widely seen as one of the most original writers and thinkers in broadcast journalism.
He has covered stories all over the world for CBS News and has won 14 Emmy awards — six at CBS, and eight more at HBO, where he now reports for the widely acclaimed Real Sports.
He has also been an analyst for Fox News, commenting on the big news events of the day as well as cultural and media issues.
Goldberg is the author of Bias, a New York Times number one bestseller about how the media distorts the news, and has written four other books on the media and American culture — Arrogance; 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America: (And Al Franken is #37); Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right, and A Slobbering Love Affair, about the news media’s romance with Barack Obama. All have been New York Times bestsellers.
Bernard has thrice won the most prestigious of all broadcast journalism awards, the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award (considered the broadcast equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize). He has also written op-ed pieces that appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.
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